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利用杠杆炒股 《星球大战》来到爱尔兰神秘小岛(英文)

利用杠杆炒股 《星球大战》来到爱尔兰神秘小岛(英文)




OnIreland’s windswept west coast, the rare day of fine weatherfinds a few dozen intrepid tourists descending on the tiny fishingvillage of Portmagee. There, they board boats to one of the country’smost mystical places — Skellig Michael, an uninhabited pinnacleof rock some 50 minutes west through the rough swells of theAtlantic.

Itsremote location has kept the island, a Unesco site, under the radar —luring far fewer (and far more adventurous) souls than other Irishwonders with a high-wattage wow factor, such as the Cliffs of Moher.But now, its relative obscurity seems about to end in a blaze ofsilver-screen glory.

Thatbecame apparent in mid-September, when a man appeared in Portmageewho was no ordinary visitor. Locals whispered that he hailed from agalaxy far, far away — possibly as far away as Los Angeles. Inthe Bridge Bar, a pub overlooking the harbor, patrons fumbled fortheir cellphones to capture video as he pulled a pint of Guinness —tutored in the art by the barman, Ciaran Kelly. “It’snever too late to learn a new profession,” the strangerdeadpanned. “Something to fall back on if this whole ‘StarWars’ thing goes away.”

Villagerswho knew their Jedi from their Sith recognized him as Mark Hamill,forever famous for playing Luke Skywalker in the original “StarWars” film trilogy. He and a battalion of Hollywood directors,cameramen and crew launched a space invasion, of sorts, on Portmageelast summer and the summer of 2014 — filling bed-and-breakfaststo the brim, turning sheep pastures into helipads and hiring fishingboats to ferry props to Skellig Michael.

ThoughLucasfilm, which is owned by Disney, is tight-lipped on details,the island most likely will be featured in “StarWars: The Force Awakens,” set to hit theaters Dec. 18, andanother “Star Wars” film scheduled for 2017, accordingto press reports.

Fanwebsites have been abuzz with speculation about Skellig Michael’srole in the movies. The smart money has the island standing in as anexile or refuge for Skywalker, just as it did some 1,500 years ago,when a band of early Christian monks retreated from civilization toworship God from the island’s precipitous peaks.

Afterbraving the 11-mile passage across choppy seas, the monks carvedhundreds of steps into Skellig Michael’s cliff face and, at thetop, built a walled monastery complex — still marvelouslyintact — on a terraced shelf 600 feet above the churning sea.

Entrancedby Skellig Michael since my first visit as a tourist in 1997, Ireturned to Portmagee in the summer, nabbing the last seat on theMyra Michelle, one of 13 boats licensed to ferry passengers to theisland. After the boat cleared the harbor and we hit the openAtlantic, I ducked into the wheelhouse to talk to the boatman, DeclanO’Driscoll.

Likemany in Portmagee, he had signed a nondisclosure agreement, giving upthe right to dish details of the filming. But you’d sooner keepa Wookiee from roaring than an Irishman from regaling a willingaudience, and soon Mr. O’Driscoll was dishing away. “Abunch of us boatmen were standing around, and Mark Hamill came over,”he recalled. “He said, ‘Any advice for climbing thestairs?’ We told him, ‘Just pace yourself, and don’tever, ever look down.’”

Beforelong, I was facing that same, fearsome stairway — 618 steep,uneven stone steps winding heavenward, the only route to themonastery. The stairway offers almost no hand rails or safety guards,and many visitors are struck with paralyzing fear on the ascent. Withthe knowledge that two American tourists fell to their deaths whilenegotiating the stairs in 2009, I took each step slowly, one by one,wielding a walking stick for balance. At the top, I exhaled withrelief, then ducked my head under a massive stone lintel and steppedinto the monastery site itself.

Therewas something mournful and beautiful about it all: the sixbeehive-shaped monastic cells huddled together, two boat-shapedoratories, as well as crude stone crosses, serving as grave markers,and the ruins of a medieval church. The views over the Atlantic wereendless, and gulls and gannets soared and dived, their cries echoingwith either anguished loneliness or triumphant salvation, possibly abit of both. No wonder George Bernard Shaw, following a visit in1910, described Skellig Michael this way: “I hardly feel realagain … I tell you, the thing does not belong to any worldthat you and I have lived and worked in: It is part of our dreamworld.”

Onthe ride back to Portmagee, Mr. O’Driscoll told me, “The‘Star Wars’ people spent a lot of time in the monastery.”I imagined Luke Skywalker in one of the dank beehive cells, crouchingas the monks had centuries before, marooned on the island with hisdemons.

Willhe be tempted toward the Dark Side on that inhospitable crag利用杠杆炒股, Iwondered as Skellig Michael shrank against the horizon. Whatever hefinds there, it’s almost certain to be box-office gold.


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